

Small Business Certification

Broward County Office of Economic and Small Business Development

The Office of Economic and Small Business Development is responsible for promoting economic development and supporting Broward County’s small businesses. Areas of focus include workforce development, business expansion and retention, small business growth, business development and outreach, international trade and export readiness, entrepreneurial development, and promoting Broward County as a film destination. Services are delivered by the agency and through partnerships with federal, state, local, and private sector organizations. The Office promotes equal access to Broward County’s procurement opportunities for small business enterprises in local and federal small business programs and helps position small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs to take advantage of opportunities while growing their businesses in and beyond Broward.

Like, follow, and find us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube – @BrowardCountyOESBD or on X (formerly Twitter) – @BCOESBD.

Call 954-357-6400 for more information or visit Broward.org/EconDev.